Donate by Gift Aid
What is a Gift Aid Declaration?
It is a statement by a taxpayer that they want a charity to get back from the Inland Revenue the tax paid on their donation (this includes membership subscriptions to the Ramblers’ Association). There is no extra cost at all to the member.
When did it start?
It was decided in the budget in March 2000 and started on 6 April 2000.
What about payments I have already paid?
Payments from 6th April 2000 can be included retrospectively. Payments before that are not covered.
Who can sign it?
The form does not have to be signed so long as it is clear whose name it is in. It must be dated. For joint members it should be in the name of the one who pays the subscriptions, unless it is paid out of a joint account when either can complete the Gift Aid Declaration provided they are tax payers.
How long does it last for?
It goes on forever unless it is cancelled.
What does it commit me to?
Nothing at all.
Will there be any additional forms to sign?
No other forms.
When can I cancel?
It can be cancelled at any time. All you have to do is tell us.