The Church Union believes that the transformation of society depends on lives which glorify the Father in true worship and holy living. We seek to build up the body of Christ by means of effective Christian formation and education; to evangelise and proclaim the Gospel; to support clergy in their distinctive ministry and to encourage all the baptised in faithful witness and joyful service of the Lord.
The current work of the Church Union includes:
Production of the Together newspaper and Together Online newsletter.
Sponsorship of four lectures each year; focusing on the themes of Anglo-Catholic history; theology, evangelism and devotional life.
- Publishing the Church Observer and the Church Observer Plus journal.
Foundations – a free to download lectionary based resource for children and young people.
- Catechetical resources for Anglican Catholics.
- Training in how to use digital media.
Helping to resource Ministry and Mission by providing grant aid assistance to individuals and parishes, through The Father Martin, Jackson, Oliphant and Pollard Trusts